ASB MAGAZINE: Volcom’s latest campaign #StayHomeForThis encourages people to share images of their favourite things they like to do that and they want to protect by staying home during the crisis. Volcom are helping to build awareness within our communities to fight COVID 19 by using their collective voice to encourage everyone to stay home, so we can all pursue our passion(s) another day. According to Shane Azar from Volcom, wading in a public conversation about the genuine necessity to practice social distancing may be perceived as polarizing.

“Volcom can’t stand by and not use our voice to persuade those who have yet to heed the call of scientists, researchers and plain old common sense to #StayHomeForThis,” explains Azar.

The idea is simple, Volcom are asking everyone to stay home by choosing a photo of what you’re in jeopardy of losing if we don’t slow and defeat the spread of this virus. Post it to Instagram using the ‘Stay Home’ & ‘For This’ stickers and the hashtag #stayhomeforthis because this is one societal pressure that someone should actually abide by.

Volcom came up with the idea and executed the campaign in 24-hours and are genuinely  humbled by the overwhelming response from supporters.

Volcom Chief Marketing Officer Ryan Immegart told US website Shop Eat Surf that the response to the campaign has been uplifting for so many people.  “Even simply scrolling through your camera roll puts a smile on your face as you relive moments that you can’t wait to get back to!” said Ryan Immegart


Check #stayhomeforthis